Aroma and Bouquet Exercise

Blind test of our sense of smell with the use of coconut, cloves, chocolate, green pepper, strawberry jam, vanilla, and grass.

Blind test of our sense of smell with the use of coconut, cloves, chocolate, green pepper, strawberry jam, vanilla, and grass.

One of the most important steps in the process of tasting wine is to experience the aroma, also known as the bouquet, of the wine.  These are aspects of our sense of smell of wine tasting.  It is not the first step in the process of wine tasting but it can be one of finer joys of the wine. The description of a wines aroma or bouquet is far reaching.  A wine professional has very detail descriptions of these aromas. We will refer to the sense of smell of wine in as unique aromas descriptors that we are all familiar. Aroma attributes of wine such as cherry, strawberry, leather, vanilla, pepper, earth, clay, grass, floral, chocolate are several of these aromas that make up a wines bouquet.

To help develop a better sense of smell to distinguish the different aromas in the bouquet of wine, we suggest this exercise.  It is a fun practice to do with a group of friends.  The experience will be greatly appreciated by those who want to learn more about wine.  Gather some of the aroma attributes listed above and place them in wine glasses prior to your friends arrival.

Have these hidden away from your guests when they arrive.  Also ask a couple of friends to act as handlers. With the remainder of your friends seating around a table, explain that handlers will give a wine glass to each person seating to take a whiff and then afterward the identified aroma will whisper back to the handler for confirmation. Everyone sitting will close their eyes and keep them closed during the entire practice session.   It is a surprise that the aroma will be recognized but sometimes it can not be properly named.  This is a good exercise because we are not use to smelling items without seeing them first.  This is a good practice to help improve your sense of smell.

Our sense of smell can take us back to a place and time in our lives.  It can bring back emotions felt in our past.  We hope that your wine tasting experiences will give you some of these finer memories to remember for the rest of your life.

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